Lush Naked Shop

    Milan… Milan is a big city, you drink, you eat and… you get naked! No, we are not crazy, but we decided to join the #NakedRevolution not stripping our clothes, but getting rid of the useless packaging. How? Opening the first Lush Naked Shop in the world! The store is located in via Torino 42 in Milan, and was inaugurated on June 1st 2018, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the brand in Italy. What’s different with the other Lush stores? Well, this is the first to challenge the current state of the cosmetic industry, offering a wide range of products exclusively naked, solid and free of any…


    How to save the Oceans

    Summer: time for holidays, sea, relax and fun. Also, time to stop, observe and reflect. This year I’ve been lucky enough to spend part of my time in a place not far from the sea, so I could start taking the first walks on the beach between April and May, when the shore is still not constantly cleaned up by the lifeguards. What I found was a plastic beach: trash at every step. When I was a child, I used to collect shells and pebbles on the beach; today’s children will find almost only plastic pieces, cotton buds, cigarette butts… Plastic is choking our oceans, hurting animals and our own…


    Zero Waste Tips: reusable bottles in stainless steel

    How often, strolling around the city, the countryside or the beach, do you happen to see plastic bottles left on the ground? Have you ever been caught by a sudden thirst while you were away from home and you had to buy a (too expensive) drink in a pub or bar? Then I imagine you threw the bottle or can (in a trash bin, hopefully) immediately after its first, and only use. Or again, how many times have you forgotten a bottle of water in the car, hit by the sun, and you noticed that it had changed its flavor? Every time I leave home, I bring something to drink…


    Edible wild plants: Taraxacum

    We live in a world dominated by technology, haste, scheduled appointments and many things to do, that sometimes we forget the immense value of nature, which has played a vital role for men in history. For thousands of years, spontaneous wild plants have been a fundamental source of food that complements a diet low in vitamins, fibers, and minerals. Today, unfortunately, such a rich knowledge is going to be lost due to a certain level of wealth and development that always provide us available food, packed in supermarkets, suffocated in plastic… so we forget that all around us the luxuriant nature offers us plants, flowers and spontaneous fruits, excellent to…


    Zero Waste tips: Lamazuna’s solid shampoo

    Since I realized that over the years I have filled my bathroom with plastic, with so many products, mostly useless, I changed my attitude and I started simplifying, having less, choosing better. I started from my daily routine, to make it simpler, and I decided to break free from all the plastic bottles I stored up in my bathroom because they had a big impact on the amount of waste I usually produced. So many times I lingered over old photographs of my grandmother as a young woman: she was so beautiful, she didn’t use makeup, she didn’t have a thousand face and body creams that promised magical transformations (which…


    Zero Waste tips: solid toothpaste

    My second zero waste tip concerns oral hygiene once again. I had already written about bamboo toothbrushes and the ones with the replaceable head, now it’s time for the toothpaste! Since long time I have wondered of how much unnecessary packaging there is around a toothpaste: the plastic tube, hard to recycle, and the box of laminated cardboard, both destined to end up in the waste bin. Not to mention the great problem of microplastics, often contained in the form of microgranules, which are killing our oceans! Fortunately, one day I found the solution: Lamazuna’s solid toothpaste! From the very moment I discovered this brand I have been attracted by…

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